Contact Reassured about your complaint

If there’s a problem please let us know and we’ll try to provide a solution as quickly as possible.

As soon as you contact us about a complaint we will:

Try to deal with your complaint within 24 hours

  1. Try to deal with your complaint within 24 hours
  2. If this isn’t possible we will send you a letter within 5 working days confirming who will be handling your complaint
  3. After investigating your complaint we will respond, as quickly as possible and if no decision has been reached we will update you on progress after 4 and 8 weeks.

For complaints please contact us on the details below or send an email to Please include your phone number, so we can call you about your email Monday to Friday between 9am to 5pm.

When sending emails you should not include any personal, financial or banking details, as this method is not a secure way of supplying information.

Please write to us at:
Reassured Ltd
Belvedere House,
Basing View,
RG21 4HG

Telephone: 0808 168 2025

We may record and monitor calls. Call charges will vary.

The Financial Ombudsman Service

If we haven’t issued our “final response” within 8 weeks from the date you first raised your complaint, or if you’re dissatisfied with our response, you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service for an independent review.

The Financial Ombudsman Service will only consider your complaint once you’ve tried to resolve it with us, so please take up your concerns with us first and we’ll do all we can to help.

Financial Ombudsman ServiceExchange TowerLondonE14 9SR

Telephone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9 123

We take all customer dissatisfaction seriously. To support our commitment to achieving an excellent customer experience you can expect us to meet these principles when dealing with your complaint:

  • We’ll treat you as a person, not a number
  • We give our staff the support they need to do their job. The person you speak to will be able to help with the complaint. If they can’t they’ll take ownership and find someone who can
  • We’ll say sorry and respond to your complaint quickly
  • We know your time is precious so we won’t waste it
  • We only make promises we can keep. (If you feel we haven’t, please tell us)
  • We always aim to make sure you go away happy
  • We’ll do everything we can to put your complaint right. If we can’t we’ll tell you why and let you know what other options there are. We aim to be fair to all customers
  • We want you to tell us what you think
  • We’ll aim to learn from what you tell us to make sure we get it right next time.